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Выполните упражнения на прилагательные английского языка
Synonyms - adjectives
Give a synonym for each of the words in brackets in the following sentences. Choose from the ones in the list: odd, enormous, bashful, enjoyable, attractive, big-headed, chatty, absurd, obstinate, appalling
He was one of the most (good-looking) men she had ever seen.2.
We had a really (pleasant) time in Brighton last week.3.
David is always telling people how good he is at everything. He’s so (conceited) .4.
The play last night was (terrible) . At least half the audience walked out in the middle of it.5.
There’s something very (peculiar) about Mr Brown’s behaviour today. Haven’t you noticed?6.
Have you seen James and Sally’s new house? It’s really (huge) .7.
He won’t take my advice. He’s so (stubborn) .8.
I was always very (shy) as a child and hated going to parties or meeting new people.9.
Take those trousers off - you look (ridiculous) in them!10.
Our new neighbours are very (talkative) , aren't they?Synonyms - adjectives 2
hopeless, cheeky, hilarious, weird, ample, vital, pensive, unbelievable, keen, authentic
My son loves school. In fact, in some ways he’s too (enthusiastic) I mean, it's the only thing he ever talks about.2.
It looked like (a genuine) an Picasso, but in fact it was only a copy.3.
I think Martha is going to have a lot of problems with her children. They’re so (rude) to everyone.4.
You should have done it by now. You've had (sufficient) time.5.
You must read this story - it’s quite (incredible) !6.
Hard work and ambition are (essential) if you want to get on in life.7.
You must go and see the new “Monty Python film - it's (very funny) .8.
You re looking rather (thoughtful) this morning, Jennifer. What's up?9.
6-1 we lost! 6-1! You played like a team of grannies! You were (pathetic) .10.
Charles has some really (peculiar) ideas sometimes, doesn’t he?Opposites - adjectives
Find the opposites of words in the ollowing sentences. Choose from the ones in the list: hostile, temporary, exciting, harmful, minute, lazy, mean, timid
harmless - 2.
generous - 3.
permanent - 4.
industrious - 5.
gigantic - 6.
friendly - 7.
dull - 8.
daring - Opposites - adjectives 2
broad-minded, sudden, unfortunate, wonderful, uninterested, cheap, imaginary
dear - 2.
narrow-minded - 3.
real - 4.
horrible - 5.
gradual - 6.
keen - 7.
fortunate - Synonym - more adjectives
Give a synonym for each of the words in brackets in the following sentences. Choose from the ones: giddy, stingy, intentional, mad, immature, reliable, disgraceful, amiable, famished, conscious
There’s only one way of describing Hitler - he was completely (insane) .2.
A good friend is someone who is kind, considerate and totally (dependable) .3.
Our new boss isn’t too bad at all. In fact, she’s quite (likeable) really.4.
You are (aware) of the fact that he's married, aren’t you?5.
I wish you'd grow up! You're so (childish) !6.
I didn’t mean to break it - it wasn't (deliberate) .7.
That's the last time I go to a party with Simon! His behaviour last night was absolutely (disgusting) .8.
I always get very (dizzy) when I stand on the top of high buildings.9.
What do you mean you can't afford to buy me a drink? Don't be so (mean) ! You've got a lot more money than I have!10.
I could eat a horse! I'm (really hungry) .Дополните приведенные ниже предложения прилагательным, сходным по значению со словами из списка.
Choose the adjective 1
Complete the sentences below with an adjective that is similar in meaning. Choose from the words on the list: very curious, very old, clumsy, satisfied, lucky, sudden, rich, fast, lazy, uncooked.
A wealthy person is .2.
An abrupt ending is .3.
An inquisitive person is .4.
An awkward person is .5.
An idle person is .6.
A contented person is .7.
Raw fish is .8.
An ancient monument is .9.
A fortunate escape is .10.
A brisk расе is .Choose the adjective 2
slight, faulty, tasty, ridiculous, dependable, polite, sleepy, fair, vain, priceless
A drowsy person is .2.
A conceited person is .3.
A reliable person is .4.
An invaluable possession is .5.
A slender chance is .6.
An unbiased report is .7.
A delicious meal is .8.
A courteous person is .9.
A defective article is .10.
An absurd idea is .Посмотрите другие упражнения и тесты на прилагательные английского языка:
- Синонимы английских прилагательных и глаголов
- Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке
- Упражнения на глаголы английского зыка уровня intermediate
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